Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu hal yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu tetapi saat ini sudah tidak terjadi lagi. Bisa juga untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang berlangsung dimasa lalu sebelum suatu kejadian yang terjadi dimasa lalu. Wah agak ribet nih bahasanya ya? tenang aja kalian akan mengerti setelah melihat contoh dibawah ini.

1. I had been sleeping when they came
2. She had been teaching yesterday at 5pm
3. They said that they had been working

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) Subject + Had + Been + Verb-Ing + Complement
Contoh :
1. Mother had been cooking when the father was hungry
2. You had been watching when I came
3. If it had been working I never would have asked you

(-) Subject + Had + Not + Been + Verb-Ing + Complement
Contoh :
1. Mother had not been cooking when the father was hungry
2. You had not been watching when I came
3. If it had not been working I never would have asked you

(?) Had + Subject + Been + Verb-Ing + Complement
Contoh :
1. Had mother been cooking when father was hungry?
2. Had you been watching when I came?
3. Had it been working for about 10 minutes?

Itulah penjelasan dari Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Intinya tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu dan tidak terjadi lagi.

Jika kalian masih bingung, silahkan post a comment ya :)

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